(Above) Diagram 2. Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) can be expressed as a percentage, being the percentage of the gap between the resting heart rate of 34 (RHR) and maximum heart rate achievable whilst rowing of 190 (MHR).
(Below) Diagram 3. Example athlete's VO2max test results. The left y-axis shows O2/ml and the right y-axis shows VE/L, HR/bpm and power/W (i.e. the right y-axis represents 3 different units concurrently).
(Below) Diagram 4. An extract from Dalleck and Kravitz's findings as to the tolerable relationship between %HRR and %VO2max and the good relationship between %HRR and %VO2R.
(Below) Diagram 5. Example athlete's %VO2R/%HRR.